Chinese Man: “Performing live is a way to rediscover our own music”


Hello! It’s a pleasure to interview you. First of all, if you had to introduce Chinese Man, how would you describe it?
Chinese Man is a alternative hiphopdubelectronictriphop band producing sample based music…. Something like that 😉

How did you meet?
We met each other when we were students, we became friends before making music together.

“Shikantaza” is your new album. Can you tell us about the creative process behind it?
We really composed “Shikantaza” as we did for our first productions. Just the 3 of us isolated with vinyls, turntables and keyboards in our secret place in Ardèche (a very nice region in France). Basically we wanted to test ourselves and see if we learnt and progressed as musicians after more than 10 years of career using the exact same method as when we began.

You play live a lot. What is the best thing about being on tour?
To meet the people that like our music of course! When you’re in a studio it’s difficult to imagine what kind of people gonna listen to your music. Performing live is also a way for us to rediscover our own music since we rearrange all our material to adapt it to a live act, we kind of remix ourselves, its pretty cool!

After ten years of activity, do you feel the same of the beginning? What has changed?
We don’t feel the same as in the beginning… we are much older!
More seriously we didn’t change much as musicians, we still love what we do in studio or on stage. We maybe are a little bit better and sure of what we do. Our label is also better structured and we have a great team helping us in many ways (logistics, administrative tasks, touring…) while it was just the 3 of us in the beginning doing everything!

Last question: future projects?
We’re gonna be on tour for the next 2 years, mainly in France and Europe. We also gonna release some EPs and remixes in the next year and continue to promote the other artists of the label (Taiwan MC, Scratch Bandits Crew, Baja Frequencia…)

Thank you!


Camilla Ortolani

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